Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Assessing the Math Workshop Infographic (MTI562)

Assessing the Math Workshop Infographic (MTI562)

Projects rubric: 
Superior (160 pts)
Sufficient (128 pts)
Below Standard (112 pts)
Understanding of web tool

Shows strong understanding of activity, concept, or tool and maximize learning
Shows adequate understanding of activity, concept, or tool and benefit learning.
Shows little understanding of activity, concept, or tool and may not benefit learning.
Practical evidence

Shows strong evidence of ideas and insights gained from this course and how they are applied to classroom. 
Shows evidence of ideas and insights from this course and how they are applied to classroom.
Shows little evidence of ideas and insights from this course or how they are applied to the classroom.

Completed in a thoughtful and meaningful manner.
Completed, but with minimal quality.
Not all projects are completed and of those that are, some are minimal quality. 
Grammar and Spelling

Includes no mistakes in grammar or spelling. 
Includes few grammar and spelling mistakes.
Includes numerous grammar and spelling mistakes.

Sequenced, showing if-then thinking and the logical order required to complete skill, solve problem, or use tool. 
Not always sequenced, showing incomplete if-then thinking and understanding of logical order required to complete skill.
Confusing making it difficult to replicate activities; little understanding of logic or if-then thinking evidenced.

As I assessed my Infographic project, I quickly realized how essential it is to give students a self evaluation/rubric to complete for their work.  Also, a brief conference about their work would be so beneficial.  I know how much time and effort I put into my work that may not seem like a lot to others, including my teacher. 

 In this course, MTI562, "The Tech Infused Teacher" our professor really stressed that we reach and "fail" and try again.  Well, that is exactly what happened during this project.  Infographics are nice because they incorporate pictures and information in a visually appealing manner.  They lend themselves to looking impressive.  This was my first attempt at creating one.  Initially you create an account and choose a template.  This took me a long time as I changed several formats until I found one that worked sequentially.  Then, I found that I had many photos that I wanted to include.  So, my next task was to figure out how I was going to use my pictures in order to create a true story of the workshop in our room.  I used the online collage maker "PicMonkey" to incorporate all of my photos.  Learning all of the tools for the infographic program "Picktograph" also took some time.  But, now I know a little more about the program and have made several more since this.  As with anything new, there's a learning curve, then comes efficiency.  

Often the final product doesn't show the amount of time and effort that someone spends on it.  I'm going to make sure that I really know where my students and colleagues are with their final product and take into account the time spent doing it and not only on the product. 


  1. That is such a great info-graphic!! This is something I would like to use in my classroom. I will have to set aside some time to play around with the graphics and tools. Like you said it will probably come easier with time, but I look forward to trying this out. Thanks for the suggestion!

    1. Thanks! There are so many options for templates in the Pickochart program. It would be easier if you have the pictures ready to go and just import them in. I had so many pics that I then created collages to put them in. I can see how this would be also helpful for students as an option for projects. One of my colleagues used an infographic for her teacher evaluation. It was awesome. Good luck!

  2. Kudos, Dierdre--well done. You can see first hand how an infographic is much more involved than a visual organizer. I often have 4/5th graders complete a pyramid or target visual organizer in about 30 minutes. They're writing briefly, from personal knowledge. An infographic requires research, thought, and an abundance of critical thinking. It's more for MS or HS. I agree with your rubric conclusions.

  3. I think your info graphic certainly reflects the amount of time and effort you spent on this project. Great job!

  4. Wonderful job, Dierdre. I agree with your assessment. I like that you used images from your own classroom--no worries about licensing or usage.
