Thursday, December 21, 2023

4th Graders at Howe Manning are "Stuck in a Snow Globe" 2024

In Ms. Cheverie's 4th grade classes, we used the amazing green screen technology by Do Ink to bring our "Stuck in a Snow Globe" writing assignment to life. The students stood in front of the green screen, and with the magic of technology, they appeared inside a snowy wonderland, setting the stage for their creative narratives.

As the young authors shared part of their imaginative stories, the green screen allowed them to visually showcase the problem their characters faced—being stuck in a snow globe. The technology added an exciting and interactive element to their presentations, capturing the attention of both the students and their peers.

With the help of Do Ink's green screen, our 4th graders not only highlighted the challenges their characters encountered but also ingeniously presented solutions. Whether it was finding a way to escape the snow globe or embracing the magical world within, the technology enhanced their storytelling experience and made the writing assignment a memorable and engaging activity.

ISTE Standards for using technology for projects

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