Thursday, May 23, 2024

Blogging in the Tri-Town

Sixth graders in Boxford and Middleton are working together in their ELA classes to make their writing authentic. When Digital Learning Specialist, Samantha Kosakowski, at Spofford Pond School asked me to work with her on this project, I was beyond excited. I know how important it is to make our students feel connected to others and to make their work meaningful by sharing it outside of their school. The students in Boxford created a Google Site as the platform to display their work as a blog. "A blog is an online journal where one can represent a record of activities, thoughts and beliefs." ( They added different writing projects that they created and created a Google Form to collect comments from their readers. Because Google for Schools is secure, we paired students together at both schools and allowed them to view the work. I worked with the Howe Manning students on the etiquette of writing blog comments.

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