Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Digital Citizenship Lessons in Middleton Public Schools

Students in Middleton Public Schools learn digital citizenship skills starting in Kindergarten and continue through sixth grade. We embed these topics in our day-to-day lessons as well as full lessons in library classes. Our Digital Learning Specialist Dierdre Baker works closely with librarians Eileen Mulligan and Rachel Grodman. Teaching digital citizenship to students in grades K-6 is essential as they start using digital devices and the internet for learning and personal use. Our digital citizenship programs include topics such as:

Respectful and responsible behavior using the devices and taking care of them.

Online Safety: Understanding safe online behaviors, like not sharing personal information (name, address, phone number), recognizing suspicious links or messages, and knowing to inform an adult if something feels off.

Privacy and Security: Learning basic privacy rules, understanding passwords, and respecting personal boundaries online.

Digital Footprint: Teaching that what they post online can stay online forever, including how their actions online can affect their reputation.

Respectful Communication: Fostering positive interactions, understanding kindness and empathy in digital communication, and avoiding cyberbullying.

Research and Information Literacy: Encouraging kids to question and verify information they find online, recognizing trustworthy sources, and identifying misinformation.

Screen Time Balance: Understanding the importance of balancing online activities with offline life, including healthy screen time habits and taking breaks.

Early exposure to these concepts helps students develop good habits, critical thinking, and responsible behaviors for when they are older and their online activities become more independent.

October 2024 EdTech at Fuller Meadow by Dierdre Baker

Digital Citizenship by Dierdre Baker

We had Katie Greer, a nationally recognized expert in internet safety. speak to our 5th and 6th grade students as well as our parents to teach about safe digital practices.

Learn more about Katie Greer.

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