Friday, October 5, 2018

September in Middleton

We have had a busy start to the 2018-2019 school year.  

As Digital Learning Specialist, my job is to help our teachers and students with integrating technology into their curriculum.  We are extremely fortunate to have enough devices for all of our students to use in their classrooms.  I want to personally thank our Middleton community, administration and school committee for supporting our efforts to teach our students 21st century skills.

Tri-Town School Union Vision Statement

The Tri-Town School Union believes in nurturing a dynamic learning environment where creative thinkers and innovative problem-solvers develop the empathy, resilience, perseverance, self-management, and kindness needed to positively impact the world.

Thank you for our Technology!
We are a G-Suite for Education School. All of our 1st - 6th grade students have a Google account.  Our amazing computer teacher Mrs. Pazdziorny and I worked together to get all of our students onto their Google accounts.  It definitely takes a lot of teamwork to manage all of these accounts and make sure that our students understand the importance of digital safety when choosing a secure password.
Mrs. Pazdziorny continues to provide opportunities for students to practice their keyboarding skills and our Library teacher teaches the students how to do "Keyword Searches" online.
Students use Google Docs to write their narratives, share their thoughts, and summarizing their reading.

Students in Kindergarten through third grade use the online portfolio program "Seesaw".  They add photos, drawings, videos, text, and voice recordings to show their learning.  Their parents/guardians also get to see their work in their portfolio.  It's really amazing!
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Breakout EDU is a game that students play that develops their critical thinking skills, communication, collaboration and creativity.  They work together to solve puzzles and find clues to unlock their box of goodies.  Second graders participated in a Breakout EDU game for "Dot Day."  They had so much fun!
All of our students and teachers are up and running with their technology.  Whether it's using online resources or using "Google Classroom" to assign work, teachers are integrating technology into their lessons.  

We Love Our Technology!

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