Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Digital Learning in Fuller Meadow - November Edition

We are transforming the learning experience at Fuller Meadow School with technology! Why embrace technology in elementary education? To prepare your child for the future. Our carefully curated tech tools are designed to enhance critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration. From interactive learning apps to hands-on digital exercises, we're fostering a dynamic environment that sparks curiosity and imagination. This month at Fuller Meadow we discussed "Digital Citizenship", BrainPOP, Jr. Make-a-Map, and Math Fact Lab program to foster math fact fluency.
Students in K, 1st and 2nd grade participated in a lesson on "Digital Citizenship". Teachers are continuously reinforcing Digital Citizenship and Digital Safety skills to make sure it's always on the top of our students' minds. Check out our presentation.
Our 2nd graders had the opportunity to use "BrainPOP Make-a-Map" to show their understanding of Continents and Oceans. Students have been studying continents and oceans in their Social Studies class and learning about the land features in each continent. BrainPOP, Jr. offers great resources on this topic. After their classroom studies, students watch the BrainPOP, Jr. video "Continents and Oceans" and complete a brainstorming map for one of the continents. They had to include the name and video clip of the continent, at least one term and one photo that relates to the continent. Students had so much fun exploring the features of the program.
Our 1st and 2nd graders are using a new edtech program titled "Math Fact Lab" to practice math facts. "Math Fact Lab" is an engaging and interactive learning program designed specifically for elementary students to strengthen their foundational math skills. Through a combination of games, activities, and hands-on exercises, the program focuses on mastering essential mathematical facts such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The goal is to make learning math enjoyable and effective, helping students build confidence and fluency in solving basic math problems. The Math Fact Lab encourages a positive attitude towards math, fostering a love for learning and a solid understanding of fundamental math concepts.
Click HERE for digital resources for November for students and teachers.

Digital Learning in Howe Manning - November Edition

We are transforming the learning experience at Howe Manning School with technology! Why embrace technology in elementary education? To prepare your child for the future. Our carefully curated tech tools are designed to enhance critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration. From interactive learning apps to hands-on digital exercises, we're fostering a dynamic environment that sparks curiosity and imagination. This month at Howe Manning School we were introduced to "Math Fact Lab", a program to foster math fact fluency, used our engineering design skills to create balloons for the our class parade, created theme parks with Minecraft EDU, and used Google Slides used in Google Classroom to show student learning for Chemical and Physical Changes.
Howe Manning students are using a new edtech program titled "Math Fact Lab" to practice math facts. "Math Fact Lab" is an engaging and interactive learning program designed specifically for elementary students to strengthen their foundational math skills. Through a combination of games, activities, and hands-on exercises, the program focuses on mastering essential mathematical facts such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The goal is to make learning math enjoyable and effective, helping students build confidence and fluency in solving basic math problems. The Math Fact Lab encourages a positive attitude towards math, fostering a love for learning and a solid understanding of fundamental math concepts.
4th graders in Mrs. Cheverie's ELA classes participated in a STEM project for the book "Balloons Over Broadway" about the origins of the Macy's Day Thanksgiving Parade. The task was to design an apparatus to hold up a balloon in 3 places. The balloon was also crafted for their personal design. We then used green screen technology with the app by "Green Screen" by Do Ink to create a video. What a great way to take personalize their learning for a global audience. Check out their videos.
4th graders in Mr. Husson's classes are using Minecraft EDU to build an amusement park during "Disney Day". "What's Good About Minecraft: Education Edition for Students? Game-based learning continues to be a very popular teaching tool, and with good reason. The gaming nature makes it immediately appealing and engaging for students, especially so for Minecraft, which is played by children around the world, with the Education Edition played in more than 115 countries. The game builds project-based skills and allows students to work individually, or collaboratively, on problem-solving lessons. The result is STEM learning in an environment that helps build digital citizenship as well as confidence in the real world." (Source)
5th grade students in science class are using Google Slides to show their learning in a unit on "Chemical and Physical Changes". They identified examples of the changes as well as used the different tools in the program to complete this interactive assignment. They practiced their independence as well as collaborative skills on some of the tasks.
Click HERE for digital resources for November for students and teachers.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Balloons Over Broadway - A Journey in 4th Grade

Students in Ms. Cheverie's 4th grade classes explored the exciting world of STEM with the book "Balloons over Broadway". In this awesome activity, they got to be little engineers and designers by creating a special contraption to hold up their very own balloons. It was a hands-on adventure where they used their creativity and problem-solving skills to build something super cool. But the fun didn't stop there! They also explored the magic of technology by using a green screen. Just like the behind-the-scenes wizards in movies, they brought their creations to life on screen. What an amazing journey into the world of science, technology, engineering, and math – where their imaginations soared as high as the balloons themselves! Hey future scientists and inventors, keep on exploring and discovering.
Engineering standards for fourth grade typically focus on introducing students to fundamental concepts related to engineering, problem-solving, and design thinking. Here are the themes and topics that are covered in fourth-grade engineering education: Engineering Design Process: Understand and apply the steps of the engineering design process, which often include steps such as defining the problem, researching, generating ideas, building and testing prototypes, and communicating results. Problem Solving: Develop problem-solving skills by identifying problems, proposing solutions, and evaluating the effectiveness of those solutions. Design and Build: Use basic materials to design and build simple structures, devices, or models that meet specific criteria and constraints. Scientific and Engineering Practices: Engage in practices that scientists and engineers use, such as making observations, asking questions, and gathering information to solve problems. Technology Use green screen technology to share our designs.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Math Fact Lab in Middleton Schools

Students in 1st grade - 6th grade are using a new edtech program titled "Math Fact Lab" to practice math facts. "Math Fact Lab" is an engaging and interactive learning program designed specifically for elementary students to strengthen their foundational math skills. Through a combination of games, activities, and hands-on exercises, the program focuses on mastering essential mathematical facts such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The goal is to make learning math enjoyable and effective, helping students build confidence and fluency in solving basic math problems. The Math Fact Lab encourages a positive attitude towards math, fostering a love for learning and a solid understanding of fundamental math concepts.

Monday, November 13, 2023

BrainPOP, Jr. Make-a-Map

Students in Middleton Public Schools have access to the digital program BrainPOP. Fuller Meadow 2nd graders had the opportunity to use "BrainPOP Make-a-Map" to show their understanding of Continents and Oceans. Click HERE to check out the details on how to use this activity. Students have been studying continents and oceans in their Social Studies class and learning about the land features in each continent. BrainPOP, Jr. offers great resources on this topic. After their classroom studies, students watch the BrainPOP, Jr. video "Continents and Oceans" and completed a brainstorming map for one of the continents. They had to include the name and video clip of the continent, at least one term and one photo that relates to the continent. Students had so much fun exploring the features of the program.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Digital Resources for November

Check out these amazing digital resources for students and teachers to use during the month of November. Click HERE for a Veteran's Day Digital Library
Click HERE for a digital library for Thanksgiving
Click HERE for a Thanksgiving activity in Google Slides

Digital Citizenship at Fuller Meadow

Students in Kindergarten, 1st grade and 2nd grade at Fuller Meadow school met with me, Middleton's Digital Learning Specialist, for a lesson on "Digital Citizenship". Teachers are continuously reinforcing Digital Citizenship and Digital Safety skills to make sure it's always on the top of our students' minds. In Middleton Public Schools we focus on "The 4 Bees" for all activity in our schools. In this class, we used these "Bees" in relation to handling our devices and working online.
Check out our presentation.
ISTE Standards for Students - Digtial Citizenship
Technology is anything that helps us solve a problem or do a task. by Dierdre Baker