Thursday, December 21, 2023

Digital Learning in Howe Manning - December Edition

We packed a lot into a shorter month this December. We started the month off with "Hour of Code". The Hour of Code is an initiative designed to introduce elementary students to the world of computer programming in a fun and accessible way. The Hour of Code aims to equip elementary students with the skills and confidence to navigate an increasingly digital world and consider future pathways in STEM-related fields. Students at Howe Manning are participating in Hour of Code using a choice board with many options ranging from beginners to advanced users. In Mrs. Deeley's 4th grade enrichment group, students coded a dance party in and had a lot of fun. "Dance Party: AI Edition Learn about artificial intelligence (AI) concepts to create your own virtual dance party showcasing today's top artists. With dozens of songs to choose from, reach every student no matter their music taste. It's time to strut your stuff!" (Source)
Students in 5th grade art classes are using Green Screen technology to bring their drawings to life. Check out some of their work.
In Ms. Cheverie's 4th grade classes, we used the amazing green screen technology by Do Ink to bring our "Stuck in a Snow Globe" writing assignment to life. The students stood in front of the green screen, and with the magic of technology, they appeared inside a snowy wonderland, setting the stage for their creative narratives.
ISTE Standards for coding and using technology for projects

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