Wednesday, April 3, 2024

The Solar Eclipse is coming - Get your resources

The next solar eclipse is this Monday, April 8, 2024. In order to engage elementary students with the wonder of a solar eclipse, providing digital resources can offer an interactive and educational experience. Through carefully curated online platforms, students can access a variety of materials including videos, simulations, and informative articles tailored to their age group, allowing them to grasp the science behind this celestial event in an accessible manner. Interactive maps illustrating the path of totality, live streaming of the eclipse, and virtual reality simulations can transport students directly into the phenomenon, fostering curiosity and understanding. Additionally, incorporating interactive quizzes or games can make learning about eclipses both fun and informative, encouraging active participation and retention of knowledge. By leveraging digital resources, educators can enhance students' learning experiences, making the solar eclipse a memorable and enriching event in their academic journey.
Link to lower elementary resources
Link to upper elementary resources
Link to resources
Teaching Resources for the Eclipse

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